

       CONSTELLATION One constellation is a group of stars, that at night, they do an imaginary form. Usually they are imagined forms of people, Greek characters,  animals and objects. Afterwards, the constellations were used for night navigation. In space there are 88 constellations. These are some of the most famous constellations: The Greeks were the first ones to discover constellations, this is why more constellations have they originally name in Greek. If you want to search for constellations it will be easily if you go somewhere far from the city, and lighting roads and highways. Better if the climate it’s not very hot. If you complete all these circumstances you can start searching constellations easily way. To orientate yourself you can search the Ursa minor, which is the one who marks the north. Another constellation you can search is Southern Cross which marks the south. If you’re in the sea you can search for the Astrolabe. The four constellations: D...


  THE SOLAR SYSTEM The solar system is a planetary system where you can find the Earth and seven more planets. Moreover, there are a lot more astronomy objects that round directly or indirectly in an orbit nearby the sun. The sun takes up 99,75% of the solar system, and the biggest part of the rest is found on the eight planets, there are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Their orbits are practically circular, and they round in that order nearby the sun.  The moon is an astro like the earth. On the Earth we see it floating in space, the moon is a sphere, like a ball fifty times smaller than the Earth. On the moon it seems like it isn’t any water, it’s a dry desert. The moon takes 28 days to do a whole turn to the Earth. The moon also has a rotation move in itself. In actuality the moon makes a non-circular orbit around the Earth and moves between 350-400 thousand km away from us. The moon's diameter mides 3.470 km,  which is 27% of the Ea...


  COMPASS INTRODUCTION The Compass is an instrument for orientation that marks the north, south, east and west. The compass marks, with a magnetized needle, the north, because the earth has a kind of giant magnet (magnetism), which exists naturally, inside the earth, and which goes from the north pole to the South Pole. If the magnetized needle inside the magnet points north, it is because the magnetism has its south end, which is the opposite of the magnet. The compass has long served as a GPS, as it does not need any electricity. MATERIALS -One slice cork stopper -One needle to sew -One magnet -One small container with water  PROCEDURE First we cut a quarter of cap cork, with a cuter. After we insert the needle in the cork stopper, because it goes through completely. Next we fill the small container with water.  Then we rub the needle with magnet, magnetize the needle.  Now we put, the slice cork stopper and needle together in the container with water. Finally, if ...


  THE BIG BANG Most astronomers believe the Universe began in a Big Bang about 14 billion years ago. At that time, the entire Universe was inside a bubble that was thousands of times smaller than a pinhead. It was hotter and denser than anything we can imagine. Then it suddenly exploded. The Universe that we know was born. Time, space and matter all began with the Big Bang, all of this in a fraction of a second, and it is still expanding today. As the Universe expanded and cooled, energy changed into particles of matter and antimatter. Over the next three minutes, the temperature dropped below 1 billion degrees Celsius. <iframe src="" width="264" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p> Jana and Júlia


Jana and Júlia


  FAMOUS ASTRONOMERS    Name: Charles Messier Date of birth: June 26th 1730 Main thinking: HeI finds comets to study their orbits. He searched for them and found other objects, with which he made one of the most complete catalogs. He made these objects known, so that other astronomers would not be confused when studying the sky. He discovered planets, and also managed to find 13 comets. Name: Caroline Herschel   Date of birth: March 16th 1750 Main thinking: She discovered eight comets and three nebules.  Name: Carolyn Shoemaker Date of birth: June 24th 1929 Main thinking: Discovered 32 comets and over 300 asteroids in her lifetime. Name: Galileo Galilei Date of birth: February 15th 1564 Main thinking: His contributions to observational astronomy include: confirmation of the phases of Venus, observation of the four largest satellites of Jupiter, observation of Saturn's rings, and analysis of sunspots. Name: Johannes Kepler Date of birth: December 27th 1571 Main ...


  TRANSLATE WORDS  Any llum: l ight-year Astrònom: a stronomer Sistema solar:  s olar system Via Làctea: M ilky Way Planeta: p lanet Espai: s pace Lluna: m oon Telescopi: t elescope sol: sun nova: nova estrella: star constel·lació: constellation meteorit: meteorite asteroide: asteroide satèl·lit: satellite Univers: universe Galàxia: g alaxy Big-Bang: Big-Bang Nau espacial: spaceship Anells de Saturn: Rings of Saturn Atmosfera: atmosphere Gravetat: gravity